Monday, 10 Mar 2025

Five dishes that only can buy by billionaire, the price is more expensive than diamond



NEWS24.CO.ID - Have you ever found the most expensive food in the world ? And what does your feeling when decided to eat such an expensive meal? And for information, there are five dishes are the most expensive in the world and usually only for the upper class.  Because,  the price is very amazing.

So, what's that ?
1. The most expensive soup in planet
The Chinese shark fin soup is ranked in the top. This soup has cooked from "death of the sea". And this soup is the menu of the most expensive and complex food in the world.

This dish is listed in “4 best dish” in China including abalone, shark fin soup, sea cucumber, fish stomach and is considered a symbol of wealth, luxury. A bowl of shark fin soup is usually sold for about USD 65 (IDR 942.500)  to USD 120 (IDR 1.740.000).

So, what the make the price of soup became very expensive ?

The reason because the process of preparing this dish is also extremely complex. First, the fish fin are soaked in warm water, trim the fat, cleaning, and broil in special broth. 
The processing to complete the fish dish should last at least 48 hours. 

A diner said that the soup broth had glossy yellow color, the delicated umami taste from chicken bone broth, pork ribs, must say “delicious and nothing can comparable”.

2. The most expensive ham in planet
In Spain, jambon meat is made from the rare black pig is considered a premium food only for the upper classes. The Spanish only buy pig ham thigh on important occasions such as Christmas so they can enjoy the in whole month.

For information, black pigs should be grazed, eat cereal and oak nut fall directly from the tree. Thanks to eat the oats, the meat and fat of black pigs has signature aroma of the oak nut and hard to mix with other types of pork.

So how to make this luxury dish ?

First, after salting, people will bring their paws into the cold room from 1 to 12 degrees in about 6 months. The reason is to make the ham beingso that the protein, fat in pork is transformed in favor. 

Then, these pigs will be stored in a room of seasonal temperature. Stage of preservation of this pig can last for 3 years to complete and served.

Because, it's very difficult, makes the price of each ham leg of meat varies from cheap to very expensive, the expensive can be up to more than USD 4.600 (IDR 66.700.000) / kg. 


3. Matsutake mushroom 
Matsutake mushrooms of Japan has a history of thousands of years in Japan and is considered a precious mushroom, most are used as gifts to the most respected people or for special days. As information, this is a mushroom of high economic value, when the product to the consumer is about USD 2,000 ( IDR 29.000.000) per kilogram. Depending on the quality and timing of the sale, the price of this mushroom varies. When buying this fresh mushroom, people will wash through and cook with many different ways, fresh mushroom is so flavorful, delicious, eat where to feel to it.


4. Black watermelon
Black Watermelon Densuke is one of the most expensive foods in the world and known as the king of watermelon and is a specialty of Hokkaido region, Japan.  In June 2008, the first black Densuke watermelon was sold for 250,000 yen (about USD 6,300 or IDR 91.350.000).  Although expensive, but not always available to sell. Each year only about 10,000 black watermelon is harvested.

So, why the price of watermelon became expensive ?

Another reason, because this type of melon is heavenly is also because of the sweet juicy flavor can’t find in same type fruits.  The outside of black melon has nature shiny black color very beautiful and luxury. Black watermelon also becomes a luxury gift that the richer in the world give each other.


5. Caviar
Caviar is considered as black gold and is on the list of the most expensive dishes planet. In the world, the most famous caviar come from Russia. Because the price is very expensive, about USD 7900 until USD 13.000/kg, cavier is only for the wealthy upper class.  Especially the white cavier is classified as specialty “rare, hard to find” with the price up to IDR 1.8 billion kg. 

So, why the price of the white cavier became expensive ?

One of the reasons because the average sturgeon must be over 20 years old to start having eggs. Then, the process of taking fish eggs is very hard. A fish only has 3kg of eggs, can satisfy the party for more than 100 guests. In the restaurant, each person should not eat more than 50 grams, because only 2 teaspoons is enough.  






