Monday, 10 Mar 2025

Six causes of the Ebola virus that you must know, one of them because the semen


The Ebola virusThe Ebola virus

NEWS24.CO.ID -  Nowadays, beside AIDS, the Ebola virus has been identified as extremely infectious disease after it made a high fatality rate in the world.

And from a research says that the infection can prove to be fatal. And the researchers has been labelled as deadly because there isn’t an exact cure for it.

So, it's time for you to know more closer about the Ebola virus. As quoted by from many sources, here is some information about the Ebola virus.

1. Can not to infected by air
From a research says, the Ebola virus can prove to be fatal if you're infected. But it hasn’t proven to be very contagious as it can’t be transmitted through the air.

2. Can to infected by the bodily fluid of an other infected person 
The virus can transmit itself through the bodily fluid of an other infected person or if you come into contact while infected animal while butchering it. The health care workers that come into close contact with patients during treatment also have an opportunity to infected that virus.

3. An animal being the natural causes of the virus
The researchers believe that the fruit bats are the natural hosts of the Ebola virus. Because people who deal directly with that animal, have more high risk. So, you must be carefull with this animal.

4. Sexual activity has also become a potent way to transmit the disease
Current research suggests that the proteins found in your semen can increase the spread of Ebola virus infection. Wow....

And that become more scary, a men can harbour the virus in their semen for at least two and a half years, with the potential to transmit the virus sexually during that time.

And according to a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, protein fragments, called amyloid fibrils, in human semen significantly increase Ebola virus infection and even protect the virus against harsh environmental conditions such as heat and dehydration.

5. The Ebola virus is transmitted through direct contact with blood from infected people

6. Sexual transmission
As information, sexual transmission has also been linked to a resurgence of Ebola in Guinea, which had previously been declared Ebola-free during the West Africa Ebola outbreak.  

And now, many strategies for countering amyloids, such as creating small molecules that disrupt its structure, have been developed to slow or halt HIV transmission. And the researchers from the University of Pennsylvania, suggested that this approach could be tested for its ability to reduce infection in models of Ebola sexual transmission.

The study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.






